You know your business
We know ours
Let us help you with what we do best
So that you can do what you do best
Bookkeeping & Training Services
If you are looking for a one-stop shop for all your business and accounting needs, you’ve come to the right place. We provide a long-term stress free in house bookkeeping service so you can focus your time where it serves you best. Whether it’s in the field or at home with your family, you now have the freedom to make that choice and can rest peacefully knowing your businesses financial records are being taken care of.
Alternatively, you may want to look after the business’s financial records, but don’t know where to start. We can help you select and set up your bookkeeping program and provide training specific to your business’s needs. You will not have to worry about doing it right without first understanding how to do it.
We are Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors. We are available to assist with all your QuickBooks needs.
Financial Reporting
What is the financial story of your business? Financial statements tell you where you’ve been so you can make informed decisions about where you’re going. Whether you simply need a Notice to Reader or you require a Review Engagement Report, to meet the needs of other stakeholders, we are here to help. One of our Chartered Professional Accountants will determine your needs, oversee preparation of your statements, ensure all tax filing requirements are met and meet with you to review the financial well-being of your business and help you determine where to go in the future.
Corporate Tax Preparation & Planning
Are you tired of trying to keep track of the latest tax laws and legislation and the impact on your business? You will find our Chartered Professional Accountants are well informed and always up to date. Your personal advisor will not just file your tax return; they will develop a customized tax plan to ensure you will not pay more tax than you have to – both now and in the future.
Personal Tax Preparation & Planning
How much should you contribute to or deduct for RRSP’s? Do you have to file as married or common-law? What is the tax impact of buying or selling your home or the family cottage? We can help you understand how various life events and financial decisions affect your personal tax liability. We also ensure you have all the tax deductions and credits available to you. You work hard for your money. We ensure you keep as much of it as possble.
Business Consulting & Advisory
Do you work hard in your business, but cannot find the time to work on your business? Are you wondering how to make your business more profitable? Or you’re simply not sure if you should lease or buy a new truck? From answering a one-time question to monthly or quarterly financial reviews and consultations. We will help you achieve your goals by identifying areas negatively affecting profitability and growth. Your success is our success, so we make your business our business.
Succession & Estate Planning
At some point, you will want to spend your days on a beach or take up golf full-time, but to make that a reality you will need to transition your business to a new owner. We can assist in determining your next right step to make that dream come true.
Nobody likes surprises, especially when it comes to your tax bill. A sound financial plan involves maximizing wealth transferred to the next generation by minimizing and planning for estate taxes. We can assist in determining and minimizing your overall estate tax liability and ensure appropriate funds are in place.
Contact Us About Your Questions
Medicine Hat 403.527.9760
Maple Creek 306.662.2101
Visit Us
Head Office
#105-1234 Southview Drive SE
Medicine Hat, AB
Depot Locations
109 Maple Street, Maple Creek, SK
137 5 Ave E, Bow Island, AB
Medicine Hat Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 12pm, 1pm - 4:30pm